How to become a programmer, or the art of Googling well

Awesome story! Come to think of it that I’ve just entered “How to center a div in CSS.” 😀


*Note: Please read all italicized technical words as if they were in a foreign language.

The fall semester of my senior year, I was having some serious self-confidence issues. I had slowly come to realize that I did not, in fact, want to become a researcher. Statistics pained me, and the seemingly endless and fruitless nature of research bored me. I was someone who was driven by results – tangible products with deadlines that, upon completion, had a binary state: success, or failure. Going into my senior year, this revelation was followed by another. All of my skills thus far had been cultivated for research. If I wasn’t going into research, I had… nothing.

At a liberal arts college, being a computer science major does not mean you are a “hacker”. It can mean something as simple as, you were shopping around different departments, saw a command line for the…

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I made a point to get my hair wet every chance I had

The first thing I saw today on Facebook, was a post about racism. The second post I saw was about sexism. And luckily for me to not end up in a ‘the World is a Bad Place-mood’, I saw a blog written by Joanna Read: Fresh-air-fresh-chapter-adventures-in-crushing-my-fears .
Her blog is for me recognizable and incredibly motivating. I know how it feels to do the things I want to do even when my own fears or people around me say it’s too dangerous to do that.
For me it’s not only about the motive of the thrilling feeling I get when challenging the boundaries of my comfort zone, more often it’s just the only choice between staying at home and fantasizing about it or go and getting my hair wet. Continue reading I made a point to get my hair wet every chance I had

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